“On the Approach of My Sixtieth Birthday” was written in 2012 and published in the May 2013 issue of Quill & Parchment.
On the approach of my sixtieth birthday, my future is for the most part behind me. No matter. It is 1968 in my heart. 1789. 1848. The barricades stand a ruined splendor, what remains of what might have been. A spectre of lost vision trails along behind footsteps that echo down each passing day. Scraps of memory besiege me, moments I know I got everything wrong in a life that once held promise. There is no going back. Light flickers, fades, comes bright again, enduring shadows of doubt. Nothing is due us. They say a good muse is hard to find, and not any old muse will do. I have found a few by chance or fate and hold them dear. Danton and Camille Desmoulins bare their necks and wait the fall of the big blade. Shelley's boat goes down in the storm. Nietzsche collapses on the Piazza Carlo Alberto. Dostoevsky writes in the fierce winter of his spirit. Emily Brontë, young, pale, is fierce herself as any wind that blows over the track where her own nature would be leading. The sun slants a cockeyed spray of light through cloud, and there is Emily Dickinson to whom I came late. I turn and turn again to these exhibits on display in the gallery of the mind because that is what I have and am, an adventure of intellect and spirit not so much embarked as stumbled on in faraway evenings devoured by books and ideas, poem, cinema. The colors of Monet peacock the night. With the dawn of this day I step out into the glorious brightness of what might be to follow bandanna dogs and harmonicas through the jingle-jangle morning where white-haired Asian men and women do t'ai chi in a little park behind a church while a white-faced mime holds a red flower to his cheek and the cries and laughter of children wash over us all. I took up the pen as others the sword, Kalashnikov, cross, and I wield it still, with Keats see, and sing, by my own eyes inspired. Intimations of beauty endure luminous in delicate embers and evening skies. We are bits of dust on fire with dream.
Keep the faith. Stand with Ukraine. yr obdt svt